Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where do our clothes come from ?

Does this article of clothing look harmful in anyway to you? Most likely not. Although this sweater has more to it then what meets the naked eye. This Abercrombie sweater has been made by the workers who are in slaved in sweatshops, just like all the other items of clothing we buy from this line. Just in case you don't know what a sweatshop is, it’s a factory where men and women work all day for little to no money just making clothes, etc. The sweatshops are in third world countries like Cambodia, Phillipines, Peru, Scandinavia, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. The labrourer’s work conditions are not the best lets just say; they face threats from management and risk being fired or even beaten. Sadly most places like this are involving child labour as well. These smaller countries are still using cotton sourced from Uzbekistan which is only harvested by children!

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me? Scandanavia is a third world country? First of all Scandanavia is a european region where most of the population is very wealthy. I have been reading most of your other articles. And they include many holes of your story and misinformation. Maybe you should finish 1st Grade before posting a blog.
